after constant pressure from my number one bro-in-law and hubby, finally i have decided to do something with my blog. err..for the record, this is the third time i'm creating a blog. you see, the first time was back in year 2003-it was somewhat an altogether new and complexed thing for me back then. due to my high level of computer/IT illiteracy, that blog got burried somewhere and before i knew it, i could not even remember the URL.
In year 2006, I think I may have started a new blog which suffered a similar fate as the first one. But at least I managed to put up two posts there. And then, came Eiman... along with many other things I've had to conquer and hassle with.
Even after receiving many requests from family & friends, up to this date, I have miserably failed to update that poor blog. So I told myself why don't I come up with another blog -something like re-branding lah konon. Believe it or not, as they say, history can repeat itself...It didn't take long for me to forget my password for this one too...
Perhaps it's a good excuse not to write. Perhaps I am not meant to be a blogger afteral. Perhaps I just do not have the time to sit and write like those days...
When I told Alfy I cud not update this blog because I had forgotten my password, I thought I was safe. Well, I thought wrong.
Today Alfy said he had a little surprise for me. He told me to check my email and there it was- my username, URL and password. And now I am stuck. He wants me to write, like I used to. I stared at this post for more than 10 minutes thinking hard about what to write. At the end of this post, I think I know what the problem is. The more technologically advanced we get these days, we sometimes lose touch with our inner-self. At least, that's what's happening to me.
I have figured it out now. As proud as I am to be part of the journalism world, I was not prepared for this. I am what I am. A conventional writer whose thoughts and feelings are better expressed through pen and paper.
But for the sake of my ever supportive hubby, family and friends, I vow to try my best and see how far this will take me-hopefully i won't have to create a new blog next year!
now u have a counter and that would be at the bottom of ur blog page, the one with numbers stating how many visitors have visited ur blog site.
“Lower your standards and keep writing.”
now i know why you have not updated your friendster blog..write to keep you sane dear love you.
jim, i think that counter just calculates no. of hits, not so much no. of visitors...trylah
A web counter or hit counter is a computer software program that indicates the number of visitors, or hits, a particular webpage has received. Once set up, these counters will be incremented by one every time the web page is accessed in a web browser. Dua-dua pun boleh kak yuz.
Nani Congratulations! You made it. Just write dear. Does not matter. It is good to look back in a years time.
Keep on writing!
aisey...why my comment got 2? achoo...
Number one - don't lose your blogger password.
Number two - don't let your laki do up your blog for you (which in this case, is kinda good...
Number three - Hmm.
kak yuz & kakak..thank you for being my earliest visitors.hehehe...and i guess u are a year's time at least i have archived wonderful moments for remembrance.thank you for the support.
mata pena-
1.i think there's no way to use that password excuse now.alfy retrieved it and i bet he will do the same in future.
2.i think it's great that my laki can help me arrange things here and there on my blog.coz that wud mean i get to do all the writing minus all the time-consuming- picture-updating, i cannot neglect my newly found treasure now, remember?? the mic.
3.hmm...what? just say it. you are IMPRESSED. i finally did it.thank you.
Congrats Nani...wah now I have to check quite few blogs...Keep writing....
A good way to keep track of all the sedara mara.....
Yes, we have a complete range. But too many of the females writing. What about Kam? He can write.
No. He can talk actually.... so excited! for more!!!
Hi Nani, I'll be one of your frequent visitor ya! :)
i just linked your previous blog to mine thinking that was the one jim meant.hehe silap...
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