his rebelliousness is becoming more prominent by the day-and that's like my trademark in the family, if you ask anyone.
but the most significant would have to be our LOVE for food. seriously, i never knew my son had it in him. i mean, eiman has been feeding on porridge most of the time,but lately he's been snacking a lot! they say it's that growing up phase, but err...to have dinner at 6:30p.m. and then mintak disuap again when we berbuka...he even gets up for sahur once in a while!
his interest in food made me feel sorry that he has to eat that lousy-oh-my-maid-is-so-lazy-she-cooks-the-same-thing-everyday-for-him. so i thought i'd try something new ...just to see if he'd like a change of menu. i cooked spaghetti bolognaise and wala...he shed a tear when i told him it's finished!! that's like typical me 15 years ago!
so it ended up i had to cook another round of spaghetti...err..to satisfy both actually-son and dad.
check out at eiman's new indulgence...
"yummy.Why'd she make me wait more than a year for this?? really mom, i can take in a lot more than you think."
well.....to come to think of it, that can be quite true. when he was about 9 months old, we took him to tesco ampang to shop for groceries. we didn't realise what eiman's been up to until we reached the counter. take a look below.
there is one thing though that i don't quite understand how come eiman's got the habit. whenever he is falling asleep, he likes to slide his arms in and out,underneath you. now, that is something neither mummy nor daddy does. but i know who to blame for that. no other than my couz, cik yang peruz.
he's got it, yeah baby he's got it. that boy is going to grow up and become someone very special...dah nampak dah ciri-ciri that will make him successful. now i know why he easily warms up to me (almost instantly) whenever i see him. bukannya selalu pun...or is it because he is just happy that i am taking him away from his bibik?
that is soooo cute. lawak la eiman ni. i gelak sampai sakit perut. anyway nani he is soo big now!!
yuz, now the whole world knows your sleeping habit ey. so cute!
Oh no. He is gonna eat a lot too eh. Make sure you teach him how to cook too...
Eiman may have Alfy's looks and a big appetite, but soon he will also have certain techical skills courtesy of his soon to be number one fav uncle...
mata pena-techical? tak mau la ajar yyg bukan2. kalau technical skills tu ok lagi la...hehehe
k.yuz-his inheritance of your sleeping habits is acceptable. as long as dia jgn start cakap sthemua benda pun sthama je...oops.
k.eintanz-u shud have seen him buat perangai masa spaghetti tu habis-not cute at all.
Sigh. That `th' is a genetic thing! Aiyo.
nani, i would love to see kids throwing tantrum to eat more coz melissa susah makan sket. so yeah its cite to me. just nganga suap nganga suap and cryy for moree..
oppsth, cute not cite, error error
sigh eiman got it too?i don't how this is possible but norman does that sometimes.he even inherited dina's 'gentel elbow' habit hehe.yuz must have transmitted all these through her laughs!
eintanz this is yuz's sleeping habit:
sit cross legs on the bed.
put lotion on her arms and legs.
put lotion on her arms and legs.
put lotion on her arms and legs.
lie down,close her eyes and keep talking.
suddenly she becomes quiet.
and if you sleep next to her,she will slip her hands and feet under your body.
uh-huh. and dino you left out something else too. yuz is the only person i have come accross who WRITES in her sleep.
hmm...come to think of it, she's be the most deserving to start up a blog you know....hehehe
She writes and giggles in her sleep too...
dino and ewnict, that is soo hillarious and cute too. i say cute too much ek. but err..ebi how u know about yuz sleeping pattern?
Ewnict you certainly love food. You are the only person I know who requested a meal of kentucky fried chicken for your birthday present. Once, the pizza man arrived with two pizzas. Ba was perplexed "sapa order?" You rushed out told Ba "Satu untuk cek and satu lagi boleh share untuk orang lain". Kakak, Haziman and Abang Fauzi tergelak tengok Eiman. So cute. Mcm mummy dan daddy dia.
I had 5 years of Yuz slipping her limbs under me. I remembered buying her a big bottle of Jergen body lotion from UK. Never saw Yuz so happy. Perhaps this penchant for lotion may be traced back to the time when she was a baby. We used to smother her in olive oil becos she so little hair.
kakak-oh God.really? i mustve been a real glutton back then.ok,ok, i still am. i still order two pizzas nowadays. one for me and the other for alfy and that's only becoz he takes a different flavour.
yuz little hair? where?
Yes Nani..I can still remember you eating the orchid flower in Eden Penang! That really shocked me!
well, food there was like extremely expensive back then, so i assumed whatever they served should be edible
yangfaz-at least i didn't eat the mini umbrella they served with the orange juice whaaatttt...
Ooooh he is such a cutie pie! :D
we also sell pie's. original chicken pie, black-pepper chicken pie, blue-berry pie and apple pie. all for RM2.50 per piece. Order now!
jim, i wanna order to take back to perlis for raya can? can tahan the journey or not?
10 ori chicken pie
10 black pepper
5 blue berry
5 apple
tapi tak nak yang dah siap masak lah...the usual one that needs to be popped in the oven. microwave can ah?
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