as far as i can recall, i did survive without a maid for quite least about two, three months or so. hmm...but then like i said earlier, i am willing to let nana tanjung get off the hook this time, only because i have found an interest to do something else right now...
earlier today yuz and i were talking about my the prospects of me relocating. while weighing the pros & cons, the conversation somehow took on a different route altogether-what are we cooking for raya (this is another one-of-those-not-perculiar-thing-to-happen-in-a-jhora-family). the good news is i get to have mama kg pandan's soto (yummy) which i remembered lasted me the entire day last raya haji. and then we talked about papa's favourite kuih raya-makmor. so i told her not to worry coz mama (that's my mil) already made him some.
when the call ended i rushed out to ask mama exactly how many she made for him. mama said "Banyaak.Ada dalam seratus biji". Uh-huh.somebody mustv'e forgotten to relay an important info to her. seratus biji would mean it would be gone even before puasa enam see, if i'd known my uncle well, there are only two things that he looks forward to eating during raya. and that is kuih makmor and kuih, due to the unavailability of kuih kapit, i suppose we can make it up to him by supplying more kuih makmor. time to get my hands dirty...

obviously, mama's version of kuih makmor is very much fit for fine dining, while mine is err...tastes ok la but just close your eyes and pop 'em in!
nani u nak pindah balik penang?? whyy???? shopping complex tak banyak kat sana!!!
i tot got queensbay??? tak best ka? weekend kitorang mai la kl...4 jam jeaa...tak jauh eih!
But imagine this, nasi dalca, nasi kandaq kapitan, mee goreng sultan, apam teloq, pasemboq, rojak gurney drive, etc...u name it! all within our reach...ooohhh! not to forget, serabai, nasi lemuni, cendoi, kuew teow penang, sea food, etc...
RM4 DVD's , ciplak ferragamo bags kat feringghi..the beach! wow...oh! by the way, it's me JIM.
But hell! there;s no Hard Rock, The Curve, OU, IKEA, Star Hill (i practically grew up there), Lot10, Sungei wanggg!, Ampang Point, Mid Valley! waaahhhhhh!!!!
but in penang i can baracuda! let's do the baracuda songgg!!!
i might frequent KL, KL is my hometown!
eh serious ka ni??
queenbay satu tu saja lah. anyway hrc nak bukak dah ok. nun di hujung teluk bahang nun.
but still?? malls tak banyak!!
we'll see how things goes. HrC penang wnt be the same as the one in KL. The crowd would be different. sure got a lot of anak mami and nana tanjung.
i oso dunno leh...i cannot stay here alone...who to cook for me..?
hah.tau takpa.
eh alfy, night life in penang used to be really happening when i was studying, especially the modesto's by the sea. some of kl people actually go to penang to enjoy. lepas tu don't quite know what happened. after i graduated, things just started to cool down, and banyak tempat tutup. so let's hope that hard rock hotel will be the place to revive night life in penang.
yuz, what happened was we left for kl. thats why tak happening dah.
kak eintanz-totally agree!! that's y i kena migrate to welcome the new hrc!
hmm..still thinking about it, but have to make a decision soon!
ewnict, your makmor is err... certainly a mouthful!
dino...baru la kenyang...anyways, when can i sample whatever cookie you did with my sis last weekend?
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