and so kak yuz, to welcome your first post, i have put it here and to my friends who have been visiting but too shy to pen down your comments, i bet you have heard of her many hillarious life experiences from me. feel free to click on her link on the side panel of my page.
Firstly....Applause! Applause!
What a good way to start a blog, by wishing all you jhoras Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Mohon maaf, yang driving to kampung, please drive safely, don't forget to wear seat belts, di mana sahaja anda berada (as in front or back).
I will be back tomorrow or the day after with my version of the cookies baking session, Ebi's version a bit dry :-)
This blog was created in 5 minutes. A more pleasing look will be coming your way after I consult experts (eintanz the freelance Consultant)
By the way, picture courtesy of Ewnict!!
What's this? Why copy Yuz punya post eh?
what happen?
Split identity
i absotively posalutely have no idea how this happened. must be jim behind all these. but he has stood firm with his denial this time. so i spose it must have been my after-sahur-effects kut.anyways, i think farhan looks so adorable in this picture. thus there is no need to remove or delete the post. with a lil twist and the magic of blog editing, let's see what we can do...
Nani, I think you need to take control of your blog! I am sure being a former journalist you have better...err... editing skills!
In terms of newsworthiness the story you posted is already basi. I have announced it already kan? (just being jhora-nistic).
another jhoraistic character by mata pena-jealousy.
hey nani,
thanks very publicity :-)
by the way, you've been tagged by kakak, go to yuih's latest post to find out more. quick you only have 48 hours to respond, kalau tak kena bagi duit raya kat kami. kalau tak dak duit, magic mic pun kami terima
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